OSPMI February Virtual Chapter Meeting

Ways of Working

Finding the Low Hanging Fruit with Your Scrum Teams

Finding opportunities for improvement can sometimes be hard for teams that have been using the Scrum Framework for a while. What if there was an easy way to identify “low hanging fruit” opportunities for improvement that your fellow Developers would want to achieve?


In this talk, I’ll share with you some easy approaches to identify the low-hanging fruit in your Scrum environment. We’ll cover topics including workflow, experimentation, and evaluating whether a challenge your team faces is really “low hanging fruit” and how to address it.

  • Gain a stronger ability to work with your team so they engage in a stronger learning experience as they attempt to improve the flow of their work and deliver greater value for their customers
  • Enhance your analysis skills to further identify opportunities for improvement
  • Expand your awareness of utilizing workflow that improves collaboration and communication across the team (enabling stronger cross-functioning team behavior)
  • Walk away with tools and techniques to identify and then test and evolve your Scrum teams


Earn 2 PDUs!

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Type of category: Monthly Chapter Meeting

Type of activity: Ways of Working

Date: February 8th, 2024

Hour: 6:30PM to 8:30PM

# of PDUs: 2


Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free


Virtual Zoom Meeting