May 22 2014 at 03:56AM
November 2013 Chapter meeting - presentation only
Start Date:
Thursday, November 14, 2013 |
Start Time:
06:00 PM |
End Date:
Thursday, November 14, 2013 |
End Time:
09:00 PM |
Marriott Hotel |
USD 0.00 |
USD 5.00 |
Early Bird Discount:
USD 0.00 |
Early Bird End Date:
Jack Nevison |
About half-hour talk: "Eight Bad Biases and One Good Estimate." Nobel Laureate research of the past thirty years has revealed a series of biases in the way we estimate work that affects our project planning. This talk will detail some of the worst of these intellectual traps and feature several exercises to illustrate how we exhibit them. After illustrating how deeply we are biased, the talk will offer one way we can counteract the influence of these biases on our estimates of cost and schedule.
The talk features hands-on work with concrete tools, so bring a calculator and come prepared to push a pencil.
About the main presentation: "The Dragon’s Tail and Darth Vader’s Breath: Range-based estimation, better project planning and QPM™." Good project management requires good project planning and good planning, in turn, requires accurate work estimation. This talk presents a powerful estimation technique for correctly assessing a project’s cost and schedule. Attendees will learn how the technique began in the early days of critical path, fell out of favor, and was re-discovered by the speaker while working on the 1996 edition of the PMBOK® Guide. The talk will also expose little-known technical limitations to PERT formulas and touch briefly on the treatment of risk in the 2013 PMBOK® Guide 5th Edition. Finally, the talk will briefly introduce QPM™, as a way to pursue the ideas on-line.
This session will feature a useful take-away tool and a hands-on opportunity to work on one of your projects, so bring your calculator and come prepared to push a pencil.
Ag enda for the evening:
· 5:30 PM - Registration & Networking
· 6:00 PM - ½ PDU networking session
· 6:30 PM - Dinner service (if you have elected for the dinner service)
· 7:30 PM - “Eight Bad Biases and One Good Estimate” (1/2 hour)
· 8:00 PM - “The Dragon’s Tail and Darth Vader’s Breath" (1 hour)
· 9:00 PM - Wrap-up/Adjourn
Presentation only: $0.00 for members, $5.00 for non-members
Please click here for to register with the dinner option: