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May 2013 Monthly Chapter Meeting

Start Date:
Thursday, May 09, 2013
Start Time:
05:30 PM
End Date:
Thursday, May 09, 2013
End Time:
09:00 PM
U-Club at URI
USD 30.00
USD 35.00
Early Bird Discount:
USD 0.00
Early Bird End Date:
Kevin Reilly

Why Agile Has Become Mainstream!

Is Agile for real? What is the PMI-ACP® value proposition?

Is Agile for real? Recent PMI research shows  67% of organizations use Agile Project Management today!?! It is worth noting that even though there are over 100,000 Scrum Masters, PMI has almost 500,000 members and more  recognition and credibility in mainstream organizations – and non-software industries – than the Scrum Alliance. Also none of the Agile project management frameworks includes budgeting – or sophisticated scheduling – tools, but the PMBOK® Guide has them.

Agile continues to expand into new sectors, industries, and companies at an amazing rate. Perhaps that explains why the number of PMI-ACP®s has passed all of the PgMP®s, PMI-SP®s, and PMI-RMP®s in  only 12 months. In the same time PMI-ACP®s have passed the CAPM®s  after 3 years! Only the PMP®, launched in 1984 and still the “Gold Standard”, will remain bigger. So what do you think? Isn’t it obvious that Agile is definitely the real thing?

This presentation is an  opportunity for you to achieve clarity about if, when, and how you should use Agile! It will be an energized, powerful presentation with lots of time for Q&A where you will learn:
   • How Agile Handles Long-range Planning 
   • How Agile Optimizes Estimating Accuracy (and Reduces Variances) 
   • How Agile Manages Budgets, Forecasts, and Progress reporting 
   • And much, much more…guaranteed!

So the  future of project management is not either traditional or agile practices, the future is  hybrid customized practices. If you picture a bell-curve, then the 16% tails at either end are agile-only and traditional only, but the 68% majority in the middle is hybrid! Finally, only PMI-ACP®’s are required to master and demonstrate – via a serious exam – that they know five agile frameworks in order to define hybrid practices that adapt to the content and context of the project. They can also create agile projects that can be scheduled and budgeted!

If Agile makes sense for you, then the next question is, “What is the PMI-ACP® value proposition?” Because many organizations now recognize that Agile gives them a competitive edge. They are seeking employees with agile expertise, and now recognize that the PMI – Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP®)  “sets the bar” for agile project management professionals! Unlike other Agile certifications the PMI-ACP® means documented  work experience, rigorous training, and passing a challenging exam to prove knowledge of  five agile frameworks…not just one!

This meeting is your opportunity to get a  super-charged jumpstart into the Agile PM world.

Location:  U-Club at URI -  http://www.uclub-uri.org/

Address:  URI - 95 Upper College Road - Kingston, RI 02881

Date:  May 9, 2013

Time:  5:30p - 9p

Typical Agenda:

  • 5:30 - 6:00 pm  - Registration & Networking
  • 6:00 - 6:30 pm  - Networking Session
  • 6:45 pm  - Welcome Address & Dinner
  • 7:00 pm  - Featured Speaker
  • 8:30 pm  - Q&A/Wrap-up
  • 9:00 pm  - Adjourn



Buffet Dinner

Cost:  $30 for members and $35 for non-members

 2 PDUs

** There is a maximum attendee registration of 90, so please register early to ensure a seat.


Please click here to register for the  Presentation Only option


If you experience any trouble with registration, please contact our  VP of Administration at vp_administration@ospmi.org

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