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June Montly Chapter Meeting

Start Date:
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Start Time:
05:30 PM
End Date:
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
End Time:
09:00 PM
Salve Regina University
USD 40.00
USD 45.00
Early Bird Discount:
USD 0.00
Early Bird End Date:
Dana Brownlee

Agenda: 5:30p - 9:00p

·         5:30p - 6:00p Registration and set up

·         6:00p - Networking event

·         6:15p - Begin dinner service

·         6:30p - 8:30p Dana Brownlee

         "Facilitation Skills for Those Tricky Meeting Situations for Project Managers"


·         8:30p - 9:00p - Free drawing and announcements

·         9:00p - Drawing and Adjournment

Facilitation Skills for Those Tricky Meeting Situations for Project Managers

As Project Managers we're constantly leading meetings intended to guide a team towards a common goal. But what do you do when you've got a group of difficult personalities to contend with in your session? This can be a particular challenge for project managers who constantly balance the need to focus on task and relationship. If you're frequently flustered with difficult personalities in your meetings and not quite sure how to manage them effectively, this presentation is for YOU! We will explore powerful techniques for managing the following tricky meeting situations:

·         How to deal with the slacker/unprepared meeting attendee (case study presented)

·         Managing the dominator without shutting them down

·         Reigning in the rambling attendee and keeping your meeting on track

·         Engaging distracted/multitasking attendees

 When you use these tips and techniques, you will not only benefit through increased productivity but also enhance your credibility with your team. Whether you are new to the workforce or a seasoned executive, these are the facilitation secrets that every project manager needs to know!

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