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January 2013 Chapter Meeting

Start Date:
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Start Time:
06:00 PM
End Date:
Thursday, January 10, 2013
End Time:
09:00 PM
Care New England - Women and Infants Hospital
USD 30.00
USD 35.00
Early Bird Discount:
USD 0.00
Early Bird End Date:
Dr. James T Brown

Speaker:   Dr. James T. Brown

Topic:   "The Art of Stakeholder Management"

Great project managers know that success goes beyond the triple constraint deliverables and includes managing stakeholder expectations.

Three aspects of managing stakeholder expectations are:

  1. Know your stakeholders
  2. Know what you are supposed to deliver from the perspective of the stakeholder
  3. Hold your stakeholders accountable to the realities of the project (regardless of the position of the stakeholder, the attitude of the stakeholder, or the availability of the stakeholder).

This session provides the tactics you need to identify, herd and lead stakeholders to ensure a successful project deliverable with minimum project manager stress level.

"If I knew this concept as I know it now, I would be much further along for successful project management." - E. Adolphe,  Shell Oil

"Great information. Wish I had this information years ago. If you are having a stakeholder issue you need to hear this session."  - C. Fair-Wright,   Optimal Consulting

"Great presentation, Great ideas - simple, yet profoundly applicable to the PM working environment."  - M. Atkinson,   Texas Instruments

Location:  Women And Infants
Address :
         Please use the W-4 Parking lot refernced in this campus map:
Date:  January 10, 2013
Time:  6p - 9p
Typical Agenda:
  • 5:30 pm - 6:00pm  -  Registration
  • 6:00 pm-6:30pm  - Networking Session
  • 6:45 pm  - Welcome Address
  • 7:00 pm  - Featured Speaker
  • 8:30 pm  - Q&A/Wrap-up
  • 9:00 pm  - Adjourn

Cost:  Dinner: $30 for members and $35 for non-members - Buffett Style

2 PDUs (Must attend Networking Session to earn 2 PDUs)
If you experience any trouble with registration, please contact our  VP of Administration at vp_administration@ospmi.org

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