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February 2012 Dinner Meeting

Start Date:
Thursday, February 09, 2012
Start Time:
06:00 PM
End Date:
Thursday, February 09, 2012
End Time:
09:00 PM
Marriott Hotel
USD 25.00
USD 30.00
Early Bird Discount:
USD 0.00
Early Bird End Date:
Traci Duez

"Getting 40% More Cooperation & Productivity From Your Team"

What would it mean to your stakeholders, project, and career if you could consistently get 40% more productivity and commitment from your team members? Do you think that it’s possible?

Studies by Dr. Robert Hartman have shown that workers (team members, clients, stakeholders, etc.) withhold, on average, 40% of their capacity. He also discovered how to release that 40% latent reserve through “intrinsic validation”.

If you could release that 40% latent reserve…

  • How much more successful would your projects be if your team members gave you 40% more than they are currently?
  • Do you think your quality and performance would increase?
  • Would your team’s communication and cooperation be enhanced?
  • Would it make a difference in your work, in your career, in your life?

In this presentation, you will learn:

  1. 3 classes of value,
  2. 7 principles of intrinsically valuing people, and
  3. the important truth to getting 40% more.

Attendee feedback from this presentation:

“Most Useful Presentation” -  “I attended a presentation Traci gave at the PMI Global Conference 2008. Traci's presentation on incorporating leadership with neuro science was amazing. It was very energizing and made complete sense. It went beyond the typical bulleted lists of things to do and empowered the audience to use their own senses combine with their leadership skills to get better results. I found it to be the most useful presentation I attended at the PMI 2008 Conference.” ---Leanne Holitza, PMI Denver, CO

“Passion & Guidance” -  “Traci blew our chapter away with her key note speech she gave at PMI Central Florida Chapter in February 2010… We had 140 people at the dinner event and all our members loved her; and now, I'm bringing her for a full day class. I highly recommend Traci to other PMI chapters.” ---Sine Baycin, VP Programs, PMI Central Florida

"Highlight of Expo" -  "Traci's presentation at the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) in Houston was the highlight of their 2008 EXPO. She established rapport and gained immediate credibility with her humor and in-depth knowledge of her subject. We were educated and entertained! What else can you ask for?" ---Alan Duncan, President, Houston, TX

Location:  Mariott Downtown Providence

Address:  One Orms Street, Providence, RI - Please click here for directions - http://www.mypmsite.info/PMIWeb02/OneColumnPage.aspx?PageID=568

Date:  February 9, 2012

Time:  6p - 9p

Typical Agenda:

  • 6:00 pm  - Registration, Networking & Cash bar (if available)
  • 6:30 pm  - Welcome Address
  • 7:00 pm  - Featured Speaker
  • 8:15 pm  - Q&A/Wrap-up
  • 8:30 pm  - Adjourn

Cost:  $25 for members and $30 for non-members

If you experience any trouble with registration, please contact our  VP of Administration at vp_administration@ospmi.org

Click here to register for Presentation Only option

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