June 03 2014 at 09:19AM
August PM Forum
Topic Monitor & Control Risks: Effective Methods of Managing Risks
Speaker Moderated - Group Discussion
Synopsis In this forum, we encourage all participants to share successful or not-so-successful project management experiences. The topic for this forum is “Monitor & Control Risks.” It is listed as one of knowledge areas in PMBOK, but
• Do you actually plan Risk Management?
• How deeply do you plan Risk Management?
• If so, how do you monitor and control; what techniques and tools do you use most?
• Do you really perform Qualitative or Quantitative Risk Analysis in your project?
Location Warwick Public Library, Small Meeting Room
Address 600 Sandy Lane, Warwick, RI
Directions: http://www.warwicklibrary.org/hours-directions
Date Tuesday, August 27 2013
Time 6:30 - 7:30