May 15 2018 at 10:55PM
Project Everest: Professional Development Day with Central Mass PMI
Project Everest: Reaching New Heights in Project Management
All OSPMI members have been invited to the Central Mass PMI Chapter’s Professional Development Day with Alan Mallory.
Westborough DoubleTree Hotel, just east of Worcester
August 14 th
Besides being an i nternational speaker, author and professional development coach, Alan is an avid adventurer and outdoor enthusiast who enjoys activities that involve strategy and problem solving. In the spring of 2008, he and his family set a world record after an incredible self-guided expedition on Mount Everest. His presentations are about embracing and working through challenges as well as exploring the skills and mindsets to achieve breakthrough performance.
· The program is a full day and concludes with a hands on group activity with ropes.
· Earn 8 PDUs
· Non-member rate is $295, but Central Mass is extending their member rate to us at $275.
Member Discount Code: PDDOS
Register here: Project Everest